

Ladybug Crazy

Ladybugs always make me think of Dorothy.  We worked together for a few years and I was always so awed by the fact that she was a Master Gardener.... something I will never be.  Whether this is truth or lore, I remember one year she bought a thousand ladybugs to introduce to her garden.  Well, they had other plans and moved on!  I can only imagine how a Master Gardener would feel when her ladybugs chose a new home.

I have never seen so many ladybugs...ever!  Hundreds examining all the blades of grass in my back  yard.  I dried my bed linens on the line and the ladies came in with my sheets!  They are everywhere.  I love them.
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Sunday Morning Eggs

One of my bread clients from the Farmer's Market brought me her special flavoured butter.  It looked so beautiful ... light green hued with pieces of herbs and wrapped in a parchment paper sausage.  I needed to taste it right away!  So even though it might not be best used with eggs, that is what I did.  I pan fried my Sunday morning eggs in this wonderful butter flavoured with herbs, garlic and blended with olive oil.  The result...amazing!
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Mother Hen