

An Award from Lazaro

My newest blogging friend, Lazaro, from Lazaro Cooks has honoured me with this award!  He always has very creative food ideas and is a writer, so the stories are good, too. 

With this award, comes the requirement to list 10 things that make me happy!  I am always happy!  How can I narrow this down to only ten?

1.  Hearing my Miss Sugar purring with contentment.

2.  Listening to the birds and watching the butterflies.

3.  Cooking something new.

4.  Cooking something that is a favourite.

5.  Cooking for people.

6.  Meeting new people.

7.  Having meaningful work to do.

8.  Having my own home.

9.  A small grocery bill.

10. Friends and family.

I would like to pass this award on to some new friends and would ask that you check out their blogs -

Joumana at A Taste of Beirut

The Gypsy Chef

Buffalo Dick at Opinions and Rectums, We All Got One

3 Hungry Tummies

Home For Dinner

For those of you to whom I have 'passed this on', here are the rules:

1    Copy and paste the award on your blog.

2    List who gave the award to you and use a link to his or her blog (or hyperlink).

3    List 10 things that make you happy.

4    Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.

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