

The Party is Over

Culture Days / Fête de la Culture, throughout Canada, happened this past Saturday and Sunday.  One of the slogans was "I expressed my creativity on Culture Days   Fête de la Culture.

I expressed my creativity through food.  I had planned to talk about plank cooking and how to roast a red pepper.  Then I had little displays.  Two were interactive, name this flatware piece and name this spice or herb.  The other was a display of kitchen gadgets.

Since people just dropped in, I decided to just cook whatever it was that I wanted to cook.  I pulled out the sage honey I made last summer.  The honey had congealed so I placed it in warm water to liquefy it again.  I tasted.  It was heavenly.  I will be sharing it at my Spices & Herbs class on Tuesday.  I pulled out my preserved lemons to check on them.  Again, very good.  I rearranged them in the jar so they would all cure evenly.  I did roast the red peppers and put them in a marinade of olive oil, tarragon vinegar, garden tarragon and roasted garlic.  And more.

It was nice to have a leisurely day in my kitchen.  I pulled out the salmon that was in my freezer and made salmon cakes with black beans for appetizers.

It was fun to listen to people and their relationship with food and cooking.  And because my brain never stops, I am already planning my program for next year.

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