

Update on the Renovation

It is going so well!  I am so lucky.

But it was so funny.  I  had my new bathtub installed but not yet fully plumbed in.  These shut offs were all I had.  Miss Sugar went exploring and low and behold, she walked under these levers and pushed them up.  I had water pouring into my basement!  It was wild.

Now the demolition is complete.  The electricians and plumbers have been here.  Today drywall was delivered and the drywaller will be here on Monday.  I will have it all put back together so soon.

Then it is my turn.  I am the painter!  It is a tad daunting but I am determined.

I think this project is going as well as any project can.  And to think that I didn't even have a contractor on November 10.  Mind and will are more powerful that I ever dreamed.

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