

Farm Visit - Neville

The Farmers' Market is opening so many doors for me. I am meeting local
producers and really getting to know what is available right here. It is so nice to find farms like the one I grew up on.

Bill has a very special farm. It was developed previously by an ardent
agriculturist who planted a forest of firs and deciduous. He planted
several varieties of apples, acres of carraganas and built a quaint

 Now Bill is carrying on the vision and has planted a wide variety of
perennials and fruits. He has Jerusalem artichokes, borage, comfrey,
black currants, several varieties of garlic, heirloom tomatoes and so
much more! I felt that I was constantly taking pictures but when I
looked at them, I wish I had taken more.


Jerusalem Artichoke

The free range chickens will be harvested soon and  needless to say, he has no problem finding a market. He also has free range turkeys. I hope I am one of the lucky ones to taste these amazing birds.

Thanks for spending so much time with us to share your vision. Bill is so creative in so many ways. 

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