

I Made Butter Tonight

I bought these antique butter parchment papers some time ago for a song.  They were so beautiful and I had no plan but they were so cheap that I could not resist.  Today I fulfilled a long time dream of making butter.  I was gifted some real dairy cream today and could not wait to work with it.

This is my first butter making experience so I do not want to extol the ease of which it is done because, actually, I have not even tasted this yet.  I have not stored it.  I have not made pastry with it.

But for what it is worth it was easy!  I beat my litre of heavy cream until it went beyond the stiff peak stage and began to curdle.  Only a few minutes later the curds became butter.

I removed the butter and kneaded it on a cutting board to remove as much water as possible.  Then I worked it in painfully ice cold water a while longer.

The result is....butter....tada!  These butter papers are so adorable and I wrapped it and refrigerated.  I can hardly wait for tomorrow when I will do something with it!

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