

Hotel Gourmet

After another long day of driving from Colorado Springs, CO I am exhausted and so is Miss Sugar.  She needs a bath (but don't tell her).   I had lunch in Chugwater, Wyoming.  It is such a little place.  This little place has built a business around their chili.  Chugwater Chili is a going concern.  Sadly, I did not try it.  I am not a chili fan at the best of times.  Perhaps it was overdone in my childhood.  But this little lodge was a going concern.  Definitely worth a stop.

I have now reached Sheridan, Wyoming.  It is such a nice town.  I have been told that it is artsy and a retirement mecca.  I can see why!  The main street is lined with turn of the century buildings, in good repair I might add and with businesses in them.  There is also a new part of town with those amenities.  I might spend a bit of time tomorrow downtown.

Tonight I am too lazy to eat out.  I am digging through my travelling food and I have a microwave.  So I am having my home made pita chips with the grated parmesan cheese in my sack and melted it like nachos.  Not bad!

This is a picture from the short-cut road I took in New Mexico.  I drove for an hour and only saw 4 or 5 cars and even fewer homes.  It was desolate!

I had lunch in Roy, New Mexico.  That was a dive if I have ever seen one.  But tell me if this is normal Mexican food.  I had a combination plate that had two enchiladas (?), pinto beans and a lettuce salad all swimming in a green chili sauce with cheese.  I couldn't even see what I was eating because there was so much sauce.  I do know that there were nice chunks of beef in the green chile.  I also had a basket with a beef taco and a flour tortilla and salsa in it.

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